AP Exam Guidance


  • Preparation:
    • Use the resources available to you on AP Classroom! Do the progress checks. Do prior practice exams. Watch the tutorial videos!
    • Here is a link to a prior AP Exam Demo.
    • Codingbat.com has many AP similar coding problems. These problems involve code you will see on MCQs. The difficulty level of the code is representative of code you will need to write for FRQs but missing the huge wall of text instructions.
    • Past AP CS A Exam FRQs including scoring rubrics and example code!
    • AP 2020 Exam Sample Questions
  • At the start of the exam, figure out time milestones ... "at <time> I need to be on # <question number>".
    I suggest 25%, 50%, 75% time markers.
  • MCQ: before reading the code, determine what this problem wants you do to.
    For instance, if you need to find a compile error, there is no need to read the code for meaning or trace its execution.
  • MCQ: logic it out first, then trace if needed.
  • MCQ: eliminate possible answers early ... as soon as logic gives you a clue, use that to filter the possible answers.
  • MCQ: if you get stuck on a problem, circle it, note the problem number and come back to it later if you have time.
  • FRQ: time spent reading and planning ARE NOT WASTED! Often the code you need to write is VERY SIMPLE. The challenge is figuring out that the heck they want you to do.
  • FRQ: often the provided code just creates the reference for a field (such as an ArrayList). In those cases, in the constructor you will need to create the actual object (use new to create the actual ArrayList)
  • FRQ: on the class website (and also in Teams assignments) are PPTs that walk you through different FRQ problems, modeling how to read them, break them down, plan your code, and write your code.
  • FRQ: the examples provided are CRITICAL ... they are ESSENTIAL ... they are NECESSARY for you to understand the problem and what you need to do. Spend time on these!

Download this immediately and review it ... and use it during the exam:

Read this immediately: