Category |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Mathematical Concepts |
Calculations are complete
and accurate, demonstrating thorough understanding of the mathematical
concepts used to solve the problems. |
are largely complete and accurate, demonstrating substantial
understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problems. |
are somewhat complete and accurate, demonstrating some
understanding of the mathematical concepts needed to solve the problems. |
are largely incomplete or inaccurate, demonstrating very
limited understanding of the mathematical concepts needed to solve
the problems. |
Communication |
document complete, very well organized,
demonstrating thorough
understanding of geometry's application to the real life environment. |
document complete, well organized demonstrating
substantial understanding of geometry's application to the real
life environment. |
Design document somewhat
complete and organized, demonstrating some understanding of
geometry's application to the real life environment. |
Design document
incomplete, and/or unorganized, demonstrating very
limited understanding of geometry's application to the real
life environment. |
Diagrams and Sketches |
Diagrams and/or sketches are clear, accurate, to scale and greatly add to the reader's understanding of the design. |
Diagrams and/or sketches are clear, accurate, to scale and understandable. |
Diagrams and/or sketches
are somewhat difficult to understand, moderately accurate and to scale,
or are difficult to understand or read. |
Diagrams and/or sketches are significantly inaccurate, difficult to understand or are not readable. |