Further Instructions for Chapter 6 Baby Names Project
- Test using the following names: Ethel (F), Lisa (F), Sam (M)
- Test the above names from both the names.txt and names2.txt files
- To verify your graph is EXACTLY CORRECT, go to File, Compare to Web File..., and select the appropriate test case
- You should have 0 (zero, none, nada, zilch) pixel differences
- In order to easily shift between the two test files, add code at the beginning to ask which file to use:
- Ask the user "Do you want to use 1) names.txt or 2) names2.txt? "
- Only accept input of 1 or 2 ... i.e. keep looping until given proper input.
- In addition to your class constants, add class variables to hold the pertainent file specific information
which you will set based on the file selected:
- file name
- number of decades
- start year
- decade column width
- window width