Classroom Rules

  1. Be in your seat, ready to go when the bell rings.
  2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  3. Respect your fellow students' right to a quiet & productive learning environment.
  4. Mr. Thompson dismisses the class, not the bell or clock

As always, the school's student conduct expectations are upheld. See the School Handbook for Parents and Students for more detail.

Classroom Procedures

  • Computer work
    • Computers are to be used for class projects.
    • No food, gum or drinks around the computers.
    • At class end: log out, push in chairs, and pick up trash.
  • Late work
    • NO LATE work will be accepted unless a student has an excused absence.
    • Depending on the number of days of excused absences, students will receive the same number of days to make up the work missed.
    • Students will receive 2 GRACE COUPONS to be used for late assignments. Once both GRACE COUPONS are used, late work receives a zero. NO EXCEPTIONS. Each unused GRACE COUPON earns the student 1 point grace on the final test/project.
  • Absences and Tardiness
    • The school's absence & tardiness policies are followed. See the School Handbook for Parents and Students for more detail.
    • Be responsible - find out what you missed and make it up.
  • Use it and lose it
    • Cell phones … use it in class and you lose it for the day.